The Proof
We believe actions speak louder than words. Each and every project we do is stamped with a sign of craftsmanship that we are proud to call our own. Have a look for yourself.
Resume of Previous Jobs
Maximizing Efficiency, Minimizing Your Expenditure
Earth Work Solutions continues to be a diverse heavy construction company with expertise in many areas and have placed our stamp of craftsmanship on a multitude of projects.
We work to maintain a safe and efficient operation to maximize quality and minimize your capital expenditure. See some of our larger projects, below.
Oil & Gas
2014-16: Bluegrass Water – Oilfield Produced Water Disposal – Southern Cross and Wright Facilities Construct single produce water pond and install lining in Baggs, WY. Design – Build six ponds at the Wright facility. To-date we have completed the construction of four of the produced water ponds and the installation of the production and evaporation system.
2015: North Bill Disposal – Oilfield Produced Water Disposal Facility – Earthwork construction for of four produced water disposal reservoirs.
2014-2015: Owl – Thunder Basin, Ponds 8 & 12
2014: Meritage Midstream – 50 Buttes Compressor Pad
2005-06: Petro Canada Resources – Wild Turkey Project
Constructed and Installed:
- 830,000 gallon ballast pond with a 2” galvanized aeration system to assist with methane gas extraction, a 445,000 gallon settling pond complete with a 30’ wide saw tooth weir waterfall with a gas release turbidity channel and a primary iron extraction system (secondary iron capture was performed with an additional backwash pond utilizing our own custom header system to integrate with an (Fe) encapsulating flocculant system),
- 7,000,000 gallon brine waste storage pond
- 6 forced/natural evaporation ponds totaling over 45.5 million gallons of capacity. Every pond was constructed with leak detection systems installed by our crews.
- We designed the settling pond, CH4 reducing waterfall, gas release turbidity channel/primary iron reduction system, backwash pond with flocculant header (secondary iron capture system).
- We also designed approximately 130 of the 150 total acre/feet of lined ponds for this project.
2013-16: Enserco – Crude Oil Loadout, Site Improvement & Manifest Loading Design – Build construction of a new double loop unit train oil loadout facility with a highway crossing and a frac sand loadout.
Cost: $9,289,000
2015: Anadarko Petroleum – Hilight Plant Track Expansion Design – Build major track expansion for the gas facility.
2014: SBG Energy – Richardton, ND Transloading Facility Design – Build new transloading facility for pipe, oil and frac sand.
2013-14: Balfour Beatty – Laramie River Station Track Expansion Design – Build new siding for additional coal storage.
2012-13: Westmoreland Resources – West Wye Track Expansion – New mainline wye track to connect to the BNSF line. Construction was across a major highway and wetlands.
2011: Nelson Brothers – Major Yard Expansion Design – Build: Realigned multiple tracks and reconfigured their method of operation. Added three new storage tracks.
2008-09: Spring Creek Coal – 150 Car Track Expansion Design – Build: Expand existing infrastructure to accommodate three 150-car trains.
2007-08: Black Thunder Mine – NWHilight Facility Construction Design/Build: Loop and storage yard to accommodate new loadout facility. Capable of handling six 150-car trains and high speed loading.
2008: Cordero/Rojo Mine – North Track Expansion Design/Build: Extend existing facility to accommodate 150 cars.
2006-2007: North Antelope/Rochelle Mine – Blending Project Loop Expansion Design/Build: Two new loop tracks to accommodate new high speed loadouts.
2003-16: Upton Development Commission – Transload Facility Design/Build: Designed and constructed a loop off of the mainline with sidings and storage tracks for multiple customers. We are continuously planning for the growth of the Upton Development Park for an increasing number of new customers.
2007: Antelope Mine – Proposed High Speed Loadout Track Expansion Design Only: New loop configuration to accommodate additional silos with high speed loading capabilities. Required complete redesign of the entire rail loop.
2007: Black Hills Trucking – Track Reconfiguration Design only: Complete modification of existing infrastructure.
2006-07: Rawhide Mine – 150 Car Track Expansion Design/Build: Track Expansions to accommodate 150 car trains.
2006: Coal Creek Mine – Track Expansion Design/Build: Extend existing facility to accommodate 150 car trains.
2005-06: Buckskin Mine – Track Expansion Design/Build: Double capacity and reconfigured to accommodate 150 car trains.
2004: Antelope Mine – Track Expansion Design/Build: Loop expansion added additional inbound and outbound tracks.
2002-04: Jacobs Ranch Mine – Track Expansion Multiple Phases Design/Build: Added inbound and outbound track to increase capacity and accommodate 150 car trains.
2000: North Rochelle Mine – Inbound Siding Track Expansion: Construct 2 miles of compacted railroad embankment.
1999: North Antelope / Rochelle Mine – Outbound Track Expansion: Construct 2.5 miles of compacted railroad embankment.
Heavy Highway
2016: Contura Coal West – Highway 59 Relocation – General contractor for the relocation of 3.9 miles of Highway 59.
2015-16: City of Gillette – Boxelder Road Expansion – General contractor for the extension of the urban arterial.
2014-15: Simon Contractors – Hwy 112 Reconstruction (Hulett North) – Major vertical alignment change, FDR, Culvert extensions and subbase for 9 miles of highway reconstruction.
2011-12: Intermountain Construction – Northern Drive Phase II – New construction of five miles of urban arterial.
2011: Highway 50 – Reconstruct Highway 50 from Lakeway Drive to Highway 14-16 – Excavate 400,000 CY from the existing road template, widen and realign vertically.
2008: Black Thunder Mine – Hilight Road Realignment and Paving Project – Design/Build: Realign 1 mile of the Hilight County Road and pave.
2006: North Antelope / Rochelle Mine – New Access Road Construct – 4.2 miles of new access road across mine reclamation and native areas.
2004: North Rochelle Mine – Reno Road North Relocation and Paving Project – Design/Build: Realign ½ mile of the Reno County Road and pave.
Heavy Civil
2011: Cloud Peak Energy – Belle Fourche Diversion – General contractor for the installation of the largest drop structure in North America.
2010-11: Basin Electric Ash Cell Construction – Embankment, excavation, pond construction and road construction for the operation of the Ash Landfill.
2006: North Antelope Rochelle Mine – Mega Tank Civil Construction : All grading, containment and piping for the installation of the mine’s million gallon fuel storage facility.
2004: North Antelope Rochelle Mine – Miscellaneous Reservoir Construction: Constructed seven reservoirs of varying size for pit flood control.
2002: North Antelope Rochelle Mine – Boss Draw MSHA Reservoir Construct: 335,000 cubic yards of compacted embankment for flood control structure.
2002: North Antelope Rochelle Mine – Wilkinson Reservoir Construct: 120,000 cy of compacted embankment for MSHA Reservoir.
2001: North Antelope Rochelle Mine – Flood Control Reservoirs Construction of miscellaneous compacted embankments.
2001: Antelope Coal Mine – NWMAN Low-Water Crossing Construct: reinforced super-structure across Antelope Creek for mine access to coal pits.
2000: North Antelope Rochelle Mine – Corder Creek Plug Construct: 500 foot top width drainage dam for flood control.
1997: Belle Ayr Mine – Caballo Creek Diversion Construct: 2 miles of diversion channel for Caballo Creek around the mine.
2016: S&S Builders – Gillette Colleg Agricultural Complex – Site utilities.
2015: Hladky Construction – Farmers Co-op Site – Site grading and utilities for the construction of a new facility.
2015: Campbell County – Landfill Phase III West – General contractor for the construction of a new landfill cell.
2013-14: City of Sheridan – Landfill Project – General contractor for the construction of a new landfill cell.
2012: Town of Wright – Riding & Roping Facility – General contractor for the site grading, utilities and surfacing for a new facility.
2010: Campbell County Landfill Expansion Phase III East – Excavate additional waste containment cell and line with a complex impermeable geosynthetic liner system.
2009-11: Keyhole State Park – Waterline and Pumps – Install new pump control, pumps and waterlines throughout the state park.
2009: High Plains Community Church – Utilities and Site Grading. Perform all utility and site grading for the new 32,000 sf facility.
2009: Campbell County – Landfill #1 – Design/Build: Excavate and map the amount of cover over existing landfill liner, soil sampling and reclamation recommendations to neutralize acidic soils and remediate.
2009: City of Gillette – Burlington Diversion – Design/Build: Design diversion to allow storm water by-pass to Burlington Lake.
1995: City Of Gillette – Westside Drive Reconstruction – Total reconstruction of Westside Drive to the landfill.
2007: Jacobs Ranch Mine – Overland Conveyor Embankment, excavation and scoria surfacing of two miles of overland conveyor corridor for the new conveyor installation. Included multiple excavations for the truck dump.
2007: Black Thunder Mine – Overland Conveyor Embankment, excavation and scoria surfacing of two miles of overland conveyor corridor for the new conveyor installation.
2006: North Antelope/Rochelle Mine – Overland Conveyor Embankment, excavation and scoria surfacing of two miles of overland conveyor corridor for the new conveyor installation.
2005: North Antelope Rochelle Mine: Mine reclamation and topsoil stripping (2.2 million cubic yards).
2003: North Antelope Rochelle Mine: Mine reclamation and topsoil stripping (3.2 million cubic yards).
2003: North Rochelle Mine: Mine reclamation and topsoil stripping (1 million cubic yards).
2003: Antelope Coal Mine: Mine reclamation and topsoil stripping (1.5 million cubic yards).
2002: North Antelope Rochelle Mine: Mine reclamation and topsoil stripping (4 million cubic yards).
2002: North Rochelle Mine: Mine reclamation and topsoil stripping (1+ million cubic yards).
2001: North Rochelle Mine: Mine reclamation and topsoil stripping (1+ million cubic yards).
2001: North Antelope / Rochelle and Caballo Mines: Mine reclamation and topsoil stripping (continued service contract). Wetland and erosion control construction. Coal handling facility improvements.
1999: North Antelope Rochelle and Caballo Mines: Mine reclamation and topsoil stripping (4 million cubic yards). Construct: 1900 lineal foot MSHA compacted earth dam.
1999: Antelope Coal Mine: Mine reclamation and topsoil stripping (1 million cubic yards).
1999: Eagle Butte Mine: Mine reclamation and topsoil stripping (1 million cubic yards).
2011: AML Cokeville, Wyoming – Close several abandon mines on an annual contract.
2010: AML Carney Mine Subsidence Mitigation– Repaired hundreds of closed subsidence areas and several open subsidence areas. Natural Regrade and revegetation of 45 acres of disturbed area.
2010 – 11: AML Kemmerer, Wyoming (active contract)- Reclaiming several mines along a 25 mile stretch of the historic mining district. Includes subsidence stabilization, open portal closures with bulkheads, drainage reconstruction and remediation, and several cultural and historic preservation projects as well. Final grading and revegetation is included in this contract.
2010: AML Douglas, Wyoming – closure and reclamation of several abandoned coal mines.
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